June 1956 Popular Electronics
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Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles
Popular Electronics,
published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.
Although obviously (but
getting less so) before my time, the mention of this airborne radar surveillance
system having been built by
General Electric, in Utica, New York, struck a chord since that
is where I had my first engineering job after having graduated from the University
of Vermont with a BSEE degree. It seems to me the work at the time was all done
in the converted textile complex on Broad Street. They were the glory days
GE, Westinghouse, Collins, Raytheon, and other electronics titans whose engineers,
technicians, assemblers, and program managers changed the world. The airplanes and
equipment used here were precursors to our modern
E-2 and
E-3 fleet.
1956 must have been a big year for the General Electric plant in Utica, New York,
where I had my first engineering job right out of college, because I recently posted
the Submarines - Are We Open to Sneak Attack? article that also referenced
the location.
Aboard a Radar Picket Plane
Two dozen men live and work together in giant
aircraft whose super radar system guards against sneak air attack
New and powerful, the airborne radar built by General Electric
is carried by this Lockheed long-range high-altitude reconnaissance scout, patterned
after the Super-Constellation transport (Navy designation, WV-2; Air Force designation,
RC-121). Radar antennas are mounted inside bubble-like structures ("radomes") atop
and below aircraft's fuselage. Both Navy and Air Force use giant planes as flying
radar stations off East and West coasts where they supplement the "radar fences"
that guard against sneak air attack.

Phantom view of radar plane shows main cabin where radar operators
monitor displays on screens. Rotating "dish" antennas are housed in both upper and
lower turrets. Information received is coordinated in Combat Information Center
aboard aircraft. This flying CIC can plot course of enemy invaders and then direct
our own fighter planes to repel any attack. According to G.E., the radar is twice
as powerful as any previous airborne search unit.

High-flying radar stations will extend the detection range of
existing land-based units whose beams do not bend over the horizon. Provisions built
into the equipment permit its use in anti-submarine action, aeronautical weather
reconnaissance, and navigational aid, in addition to its chief function of aircraft
detection. About six tons of electronic equipment are carried on one plane, in addition
to a crew of thirty men. At left is a special test rig built by G.E. at Utica, N.
Y.; this mock installation simulates setup on plane, removes system's "bugs" before
use in real situation is permitted.

Inside the main cabin, looking aft. Each operator is responsible
for observing a particular segment of the total area being scanned by the rotating
antennas. Weight and size of the equipment has been kept down, despite increased
power. Chassis are readily removed for easy inspection and quick maintenance.

Radar operator, one of a large team of observers, studies screen
of indicator 'scope. Displays on screen show "pictures" of distant planes, giving
range and bearing. In recent maneuvers, carrier-based fighter planes played role
of "enemy attackers" and were repelled by land-based fighters. "Enemy" carrier was
"sunk" by defenders using data supplied by radar plane, whose crew never even saw
the "attacking" carrier or its aircraft.

Information received on radar screens is coordinated and verified
in another part of the cabin. These men maintain radio contact with other aircraft
and with surface stations. Special apparatus automatically distinguishes between
friendly and enemy aircraft, is virtually foolproof. Often these planes are used
as part of a large force which includes blimps and ships.

Time out for coffee and ... A complete galley, as well as bunks,
helps keep the crew well-fed and refreshed. Staying high in the air for 24 hours
or longer, each aircraft carries two crews for all stations. The double staff assures
that rested men are available at all limes for any emergency. Planes work with each
other and with ground forces.
Posted March 21, 2022 (updated from original post on 3/7/2016)