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Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe

Exponential Indefinite Integrals

In calculus, an antiderivative, primitive, or indefinite integral of a function f is a function F whose derivative is equal to f, i.e., F ′ = f. The process of solving for antiderivatives is antidifferentiation (or indefinite integration). Antiderivatives are related to definite integrals through the fundamental theorem of calculus: the definite integral of a function over an interval is equal to the difference between the values of an antiderivative evaluated at the endpoints of the interval. - Wikipedia

When this page was first created back in the late 1990s, it was nearly impossible to locate tables of integrals (both definite and indefinite) on the Internet. Now, they are everywhere; being one of the first doesn't count for much on the Web.

e^x dx Exponential Indefinite Integrals - RF Cafe

e^-x dx Exponential Indefinite Integrals - RF Cafe

e^ax dx Exponential Indefinite Integrals - RF Cafe

x e^ax dx Exponential Indefinite Integrals - RF Cafe

x^n e^ax dx Exponential Indefinite Integrals - RF Cafe

e^ax sin(bx) dx Exponential Indefinite Integrals - RF Cafe

e^ax cos(bx) dx Exponential Indefinite Integrals - RF Cafe

Source: CRC Standard Math Tables, 1987

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe
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