October 1969 Electronics World
Table of Contents
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles
Electronics World, published May 1959
- December 1971. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
You will probably chuckle
at the sight of the printed circuit board being an example used in an article about
high density PCB production. However, in 1969 when this article appeared in
Electronics World magazine, it was heralded as leading edge technology. Remember,
though, that surface mount components the size of a grain of salt were unheard of
so such a board probably represented a bunch of leaded components being closely packed
together with the biggest concern for density being heating / cooling issues. Part
of the big deal with this board, when you read the article, is that it is one of
eight that were produced on the same substrate and then singulated afterward. As
mentioned often, this was the era of transition from vacuum tube chassis with point-to-point
wiring to solid state and printed circuit boards. The October 1969 issue of
Electronics World ran a series of articles on the newfangled science of printed
circuit boards. See the
of contents for the rest.
High-Density PC Boards
The author joined the company in 1960 with
a sales engineering background in commercial refrigeration. He studied at NYU and
Hartford Institute of Accounting.
By Hal R. Roffman, Jr.
Executive Vice-President, The Sibley Company
Smaller components and more complex equipment have led to higher density and
multilayer boards. Here is how the user can help to alleviate some of the manufacturing
problems and reduce his costs.
High-density electronic packaging has caused severe problems for the printed-circuit
manufacturing industry. Smaller conductor lines, tighter spacing, stringent hole
locations, relationship of hole size to pad size, and plating requirements specified
to satisfy a variety of soldering techniques all add up to process and production
difficulties in determining manufacturing yields and in predetermining costs.
What is meant by a high-density printed circuit? Actually the amount of circuitry
on a printed circuit has little to do with the number of processes involved. A circuit
with two holes and one conductor line will travel the same route in process as its
more complicated brother. A circuit with many terminal areas and conductor lines
will only require more time in hole drilling, retouching, and inspection. All of
the other processes remain the same.
Although the number of processes is the same, the most significant difference
between the simple and the dense printed circuit is the size of the multiple-image
panel which can be used. A variety of factors dictate the feasible size of a panel
for manufacturing purposes. Obviously, it would be prohibitively expensive to manufacture
a circuit of reasonable size one at a time. The usual technique, therefore, is to
step-and-repeat the image photographically and to apply as many processes as possible
to the panel or "flat" containing a number of circuits which are separated later
in the fabrication process.
Fig. 1 - Example of circuit requiring only three hole sizes.
Fig. 1 shows a plated-through hole circuit which can be manufactured in
a panel containing eight circuits. The following characteristics had to be analyzed
in order to determine if an "8-up panel" would be feasible.
1. Physical size of the panel: It must be compatible with all plant equipment,
such as tanks, drilling equipment, and screens.
2. Relationship of holes to circuitry pattern: The holes in this circuit, as
related to their surrounding terminal area, will yield a nominal 0.020" of metal
remaining between the edge of the hole and the edge of the terminal area. The specification
for minimum annular ring tells us we must have 0.010" minimum metal remaining after
all processing. This results in an over-all tolerance of 0.010" which will permit
the pattern to be applied by the screening process over the total distance of the
8-up panel. The tolerance used up in screening can be as much as 0.005", which leaves
us an additional 0.005" for other processes.
3. Plating specifications: Plating thicknesses must be in the normal range: Copper,
0.001" to 0.002"; nickel, 0.0002" to 0.00005": gold, 0.00005" to 0.0001"; or solder,
0.0003" to 0.001". If plating thicknesses are specified beyond these ranges, too
large a panel may develop high-current density areas which can result in unequal
amounts of electroplate being deposited over the entire area.
4. Hole sizes and tolerance: If a wide range of hole sizes is specified, too
large a panel will cause difficulty in plating down to the desired diameters. The
circuit in Fig. 1 requires only 3 sizes, the smallest being 0.030". It must
be remembered that the final diameter of a plated-through hole is created by electroplating.
Therefore, the drilled size has to be substantially larger than the specified finished
hole diameter.
5. Order requirements: Two factors which are often overlooked by both the customer
and the manufacturer are time and money as related to manufacturing feasibility.
Tighter-than-normal tolerances can easily be met (a) when the requirement involves
only a small number of circuits (1 to 25 pieces), (b) when the economics of the
procurement permit high cost per unit ($25 to $50 each for a circuit which, in large
quantity would cost $8-$10), and (c) when sufficient time is available for careful
tooling and processing by the manufacturer.
In view of the many assessments necessary to successful compliance with high-density
specifications, it becomes mandatory for close communication with potential suppliers.
This line of communication must be opened very early in order to avoid designing
into a potential trap. Design criteria and specification writing should be done
in consultation with the printed-circuit supplier or suppliers. Time-consuming or
not, this policy can preclude the possibility of expensive or even impossible criteria
creeping into specifications and on to blueprints.
High-density printed circuits can best be defined by listing their characteristics.
Anyone of these items prevalent in either the design or its related specification
will place the circuit in the high-density category.
1. Conductor widths (at 1:1) of less than 0.010".
2. Spacing between conductors or terminal areas (at 1:1) of less than 0.010".
3. Dimensional hole locations, expressed either in true position or a linear
dimension equivalent to ±0.003".
4. Integrated-circuit hole patterns, with or without conductor lines passing
between the holes.
5. Plated-through hole diameter tolerances less than ±0.005".
1. Front-to-hack registration of less than ±0.005".
2. Annular ring requirement allowing less than ±0.010" from the nominal.
Example: Pad (terminal area) diameter at 1:1 is 0.062". Finished-hole diameter is
nominally 0.040". Annular ring (amount of metal remaining between edge of hole and
edge of pad) specified is 0.005". Nominal annular ring is 0.011", leaving permissible
mis-registration of hole and surrounding pattern of only ±0.006".
3. Spacing or conductor dimension tolerances less than ±0.002".
The most significant factor in all of the criteria related to distinguishing
between a high-density printed circuit and a "normal" printed circuit is the relationship
of the plated-through hole to its surrounding terminal area. This becomes the focal
point for a multitude of accumulated tolerances. The designer's first consideration
should be "functional acceptance." In consultation with his quality-assurance engineers,
it must be decided exactly what will constitute a reliable solder connection at
the terminal area for the desired end result. For example, it is obviously not the
prerogative of the printed-circuit manufacturer to determine whether a minimum annular
ring of 0.003" will yield a solder connection substantial enough for the environmental
conditions of the end equipment. In some applications, the plated-through hole can
drift all the way to the very edge of the terminal area without causing any detrimental
effects to the integrity of the device, while in other equipment it may be mandatory
to leave no less than 0.010" of metal remaining at any point in the 360 degrees
of the terminal area. Although a determination of solder-joint reliability is difficult,
it is of extreme importance in order to avoid over-specifying, or imposing impossible
tolerance restrictions on the manufacturer.
The following factors are involved in the accumulation of annular ring tolerances:
1. Artwork Preparation: The tolerances start to disappear even at 4:1. Commercially
available tapes and terminal areas (pads) have a tolerance. A pad which, at 1:1,
should be nominally 0.062", at 4:1 can be as much as 0.002" out of dimension. Before
it is even laid down on the Mylar, a potential 1:1 dimension of 0.000.5" can be
missing. The method by which the pads are applied to the Mylar master is of extreme
importance. Laying pads down by hand on a grid can use up as much as 0.10" at 4:1,
with a resulting 0.0025" disappearing at 1:1.
2. Hole Drilling: Many different types of equipment are used in the industry
for drilling printed circuits. The most accurate drilling can be achieved with numerically
controlled tape equipment. Although some of the equipment manufacturers advertise
repeatable tolerances of 0.0005" to 0.001", in actuality the printed-circuit manufacturer
is achieving 0.0015" to 0.002" and, in some cases where equipment is not properly
maintained, even greater variances. Production quantities also involve stacking
of panels during the drilling operation. If this is not done judiciously, drill
wandering will further compound hole drift.
3. Pattern Delineation: The least expensive method of applying a printed-circuit
pattern is by screening. Further cost benefits are realized due to the fact that
screening inks will withstand plating cycles more reliably than other direct photo-printing
methods. There is less breakdown of the plating resist and, therefore, less subsequent
operations for removal of unwanted plating. With a carefully controlled screening
operation, many high-density patterns are "screenable." Depending upon the size
of the multiple-image panel, however, there is enough movement of the screen during
the operation to cause pattern shift up to 0.005". Here, again, the terminal area
is moving in its relationship to the pre-drilled hole.
4. Plating: Plating build-ups can change the terminal area dimension significantly.
Therefore, allowances must be incorporated in the master artwork commensurate with
the plating specifications. Where tight spacing and tight conductor width tolerances
are specified, the master artwork may have to be drawn on the low side, on the nominal,
or on the high side of the tolerances depending upon the metals to be plated, their
respective thicknesses, and their sequence.
5. Etching: The thickness of the copper foil on the base material will have its
effect on the end dimensions. The least effect on the artwork dimensions is achieved
by using 0.0014" (one-ounce) copper foil and then pattern plating the rest of the
required copper. This leaves a minimum amount of unwanted copper under the plating
resist, and etching can be achieved with less undercut and a minimum effect on the
pattern dimensions.
A tolerance study of the foregoing steps in creating a printed circuit reveals
some disturbing facts. When the manufacturer receives the master artwork he stands
a good chance of having lost 0.0025" of tolerance before the photographic reduction.
Assuming that the reduction is extremely accurate, he then proceeds to manufacture
faced with the certainty that he will lose another accumulation of at least 0.007"
just between hole drilling and screening. If the plating and etching processes cancel
each other out dimensionally, he will reach the end of the road having used up a
total of 0.0095". Thus, if a terminal area is laid out at 0.062" and is to contain
a 0.040" hole with an annular ring specification of 0.005", the only additional
remaining tolerance for the manufacturer is 0.0015". Although this is a "worst-condition"
analysis, it points up the critical aspects of high-density circuit design as related
to the allocation of necessary tolerances for manufacturing feasibility.
When high-density packaging imposes designs and specifications which approach
optimum manufacturing capabilities, consideration must be given to expanding the
design to multilayer boards. Relief in conductor-line proximities and hole size
to pad size relationships can be accomplished by using the multilayer technique.
It is often more economically feasible to design a more expensive multilayer printed
circuit than to attempt to achieve the same functions on a two-sided, extremely
dense printed circuit.
Posted August 12, 2024 (updated from original
post on 12/12/2017)