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Channel Master Antennas
October 1960 Electronics World

October 1960 Electronics World

October 1960 Electronics World Cover - RF CafeTable of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Electronics World, published May 1959 - December 1971. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

The decade of the 1960s was probably the heyday of television. Household incomes had been steadily rising since the end of World War II while inflation was relatively low. The Korean War was over and until around 1965 the country was not on a serious war footing. Game shows, soap operas, shows depicting non-dysfunctional families, variety show formats, non-woke cartoons, movies, and newscasts that didn't insult half the country with biased coverage fed the country's appetite for wholesome, useful entertainment. Once violent race riots and hippie anti-establishment protests became a major threat to safety and civic deportment, people monitored radio and television to keep abreast of events. In accord with rapidly improving television sets were advances in antenna technology. Viewers wanted the best possible picture and audio, and were willing to pay dearly for it. Through around the end of the 20th century, after which cable dominated as a transmission medium, over-the-air broadcasts in increasingly crowded RF environments made higher performance antennas even more necessary. Channel Master was one of the leading antenna manufacturers of the era, and is one of the few companies still selling traditional multi-element TV antennas.

Channel Master Antennas

Channel Master Antennas, October 1960 Electronics World - RF CafeGreenberg, distinguished antenna authority, and Chief Engineer of Channel Master's Electronic Development Laboratories.

Mr. G., take a bow!

You've put more power into the most powerful of all fringe area antennas!

New 10-Element T-W Ingeniously combines 6 of Channel Master's famous T-W hairpin dipoles with 4 parasitic low band and co-linear high band elements. Reaches new highs in gain and front-to-back ratios.

Strongest Mechanical Construction Hundreds of thousands of installations over a four year period prove conclusively that the T-W is the strongest antenna ever made.

New Low Band Director and Reflector System Increases gain up to 2 1/2 db more than a 7·element T·W - a 78% power increase!

New High Band Co-Linear Elements Add 20% to the T·W's high band gain. The co-linear reflector and director are each actually 3 half-wave elements placed end to end.

Heavy-duty Weatherproof Harness Won't let rain or salt air impede reception.


New 10-Element Channel Master® Super T-W

Model No. 358

The new fringe area record-holder.

How the new Super T-W out-performs the 7-element T-W

Illustrates only the difference between the two antennas on each channel, not their total gain.

$59.95 List

slightly higher in Canada.

Now There Are 4

For every problem ... for every area ... Pick a T-W!

3-Element T·W

Model No. 352

5-Element T·W

Model No. 351

7-Element T-W

Model No. 350

10-Element Super T-W

Model No. 358

See your Channel Master distributor for details on spectacular new promotion I


where others fizzle ... this one


model 6515

It's a 2-in-one radio:

•Trim portable in smart "sling" case

•Home table model

new Channel Master

8 transistor "super fringe"

The most sensitive transistor radio ever made!

• R F amplification stage • 3 - gang tuning condenser

• New fringe area circuit • Extra long built-in ferrite antenna

•Highest signal-to-noise ratio • Easy, precise vernier tuning

• King-size 3 1/2" speaker • Plays for almost one year on a set of ordinary flashlight batteries (Based on average daily use)

The astonishing performance of this new radio is another reason why the dealer who features Channel Master gets ahead - and stays ahead - of his competition.

$59.95 List

slightly higher in Canada.

Channel Master works wonders in sight and sound

FREE Lionel Electric Train Set


Get a big 42-piece Lionel Electric Train Set (worth $75.00) with your order for only 10 assorted Channel Master radios at regular price. A fabulous pre-Christmas deal. Ask your Channel Master Distributor for full details about the "Main Line" promotion. Limited time only.


They're so good, we bring them to you on a Silver Platter (a real one!)

Good News:

Channel Master more than Doubles its line of replacement tube types

How would you best describe Channel Master tubes? Most dealers use the word "dependable". Dependable uniformity, dependable performance, dependable long life.

And now, with the addition of many new tube types, you can make Channel Master your first choice in aver 75% of all service calls! Find out for yourself why Channel Master Premium Quality tubes have become America's fastest growing line.

Free! Genuine Wm. Rogers Holloware Service

Luxurious, beautiful Silverplate ... made by Internetional Silver Company.

Well & Tree Platter • 16" Round Tray

Chip 'N Dip Dish Double • Vegetable Dish

Get the piece of your choice with surprisingly small purchases of Channel Master tubes. Tell your Channel Master distributor how many holloware sets you'd like before Christmas.


"Best of All Contact Sprays"

As Reported by Independent Product-Testing Laboratory


*Not tested further following sub-standard performance in 30-second exposure

**Presence of solvents and chlorinated hydrocarbons.

Channel Master introduces the first triple-action spray!

Channel Master set out to provide a superior cleaner, lubricant, and protector for electrical contacts. Contact Shield was the result.

To verify our own estimates of the product's effectiveness, Contact Shield was submitted to a nationally known independent testing laboratory.

This famous testing organization made a thorough study of Contact Shield, as well as of nine similar products on the market. The above findings demonstrate conclusively that this new Channel Master product is the most reliable contact spray you can buy!

Here's why

Contact Shield is best:

• provides the most long-lasting protection

• eliminates background and resistance noises

•is safer. Will not ignite, flash, or cause short circuits ... propellant is actually a fire extinguisher

• contains no solvents to attack plastics

• performs at temperatures from - 95°F. to + 320°F.

Channel Master works wonders in sight and sound

Ellenville, New York



Posted June 1, 2023

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)
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