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Channel Master Model 6515 "Super Fringe" Radio
October 1960 Electronics World

October 1960 Electronics World

October 1960 Electronics World Cover - RF CafeTable of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Electronics World, published May 1959 - December 1971. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

A lot of people from the era of rooftop television antennas were/are familiar with the name Channel Master. Many of their antennas included integrated FM radio elements. Very few were likely aware that Channel Master also made radios. I don't think they ever made televisions. The fact is, companies like Channel Master did not design and manufacture their own radios and televisions; instead, they paid to have custom versions of existing products branded with their names. Sears, Roebuck's Silvertone line, Montgomery Ward's Airline products, Western Auto's Truetone line, and others are examples. This Channel Master Model 6515 "Super Fringe" transistor radio was made by Sanyo. 1960, when this ad appeared in Electronics World magazine, was the transition period between vacuum tubes and transistors. It was not uncommon to find two or more identical radios bearing different company logos. Channel Master Model 6515 "Super Fringe" radios can be found in eBay for around $30.

Channel Master Model 6515 "Super Fringe" Radio

Channel Master Model 6515 "Super Fringe" Radio, October 1960 Electronics World - RF Cafe

new CHANNEL MASTER 8 transistor "super fringe"

The most sensitive transistor radio ever made! • R F amplification stage • 3 - gang tuning condenser • New fringe area circuit. Extra long built-in ferrite antenna • Highest signal-to-noise ratio • Easy, precise vernier tuning • King-size 3W speaker • Plays for almost one year on a set of ordinary flashlight batteries (Based on average daily use)

The astonishing performance of this new radio is another reason why the dealer who features Channel Master gets ahead -- and stays ahead-of his competition.

CHANNEL MASTER works wonders in sight and sound

FREE Lionel Electric Train Set

Get a big 42-piece LIONEL Electric Train Set (worth $75.00) with your order for only 10 assorted Channel Master radios at regular price. A fabulous pre-Christmas deal. Ask your Channel Master Distributor for full details about the "Main Line" promotion. Limited time only.



Posted January 15, 2024

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