May 1964 Electronics World
Table of Contents
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles
Electronics World, published May 1959
- December 1971. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
Space Race was at its peak in
1964 when this advertisement by the Capitol Radio Engineering Institute (CREI) Program in Space Electronics
appeared in Electronics World magazine. Although it all began in 1957 with the
Geophysical Year, the heat was turned up that year when the USSR successfully launched Sputnik 1,
the world's first artificial satellite.
John F. Kennedy made his famous speech before the U.S. Congress in 1961, where he said in part,
"This nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man
on the moon and returning him safely to the earth." A huge push was made by colleges and technical schools
to educate as many engineers and technicians as possible to ensure there would not be a dearth of qualified
people to get the job done.
Capitol Radio Engineering Institute Program Advertisement
Has the Space Age outdated your knowledge of Electronics?
What happens to transistors in the Van Allen Belt? How are vacuum tubes used in space? Why can't
regular lubricants be used on moving parts in a spacecraft? To what extent has the space effort changed
reliability standards?
These and other questions reflect the changes taking place with space applications of electronics.
Project Apollo and other missions in the space effort are rapidly outdating conventional concepts.
Project Apollo Lunar Orbit Rendezvous Mission
The Lunar Excursion Module of NASA's Project Apollo will carry two men from lunar orbit to the moon's
surface and, after brief exploration, back to the mother craft for return to earth.
Protect your future through the New CREI Program in Space Electronics
For a career in space electronics you must acquire considerable new knowledge - knowledge that just
didn't exist when you studied electronics. And, because developments in space electronics are quickly
applied to other areas of electronics, knowledge of space electronics is an asset to a man in any field
of electronics.
You can protect your future through the new CREI Program in Space Electronics which offers you up-to-date
knowledge of these specialties:
Space Data Systems - Includes analog and digital computers, information theory, data acquisition
and processing. Space Tracking Systems - Includes microelectronics, space propagation, masers, lasers,
infrared techniques.
Space Guidance & Control-Includes inertial navigation, space radar, star tracker systems, tracking
The first extension programs developed specifically to help men in electronics apply their experience
to the space effort.
Content developed to meet employment requirements as determined by consulting government and private
organizations in the space field.
Text material prepared in leading space-oriented organizations.
CREI also offers specialized education in these important areas of electronics: Communications, Aeronautical
and Navigational, Television, Automation and industrial Nuclear, Servomechanisms and Computers. You
are eligible for these programs if you work in electronics and have a high school education.
Free Book Gives Full Information on CREI Programs. For your copy, mail coupon or write: CREI, Dept.1105-B,
3224 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20010
The Capitol Radio Engineering Institute
Founded 1927, Accredited Member of the National Home Study Council
Dept. 1105-B, 3224 Sixteenth St., N. W. Washington 10, D. C. 20010
Please send me FREE book describing CREI Home Study Programs including new Program in Space Electronics.
I am employed in electronics and have a high school education.
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Check: _ Home Study _ Residence School - G. I. Bill
Posted April 6, 2017