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Cafe Quiz #31
quiz is based on the information presented in the book, "Quantum Mechanics for Nanostructures," by Vladimir V.
Mitin, Dmitry I. Sementsov, Nizami Z. Vagidov. Published by Cambridge University Press. Note:
Some of these books are available as prizes in the monthly
RF Cafe Giveaway.
1. When was the notion of "nanotechnology" introduced? c) 1959 The notion of
"nanotechnology" was introduced for the first time by Richard Feynman in 1959 in his famous Caltech lecture
"There's plenty of room at the bottom: an invitation to enter a new field of physics." (see page 2)
2. What determines whether a material is a nanostructure? a) At least one dimension less than
100 nm The prefix "nano" means one billionth part of something. Therefore, from the formal point of view
nanostructures can be any objects with size (at least in one of the directions) of the order of 100 nm or less.
(see page 4) 3. What is graphene? b) A 2-D layer lattice of carbon atoms
Graphene is a two-dimensional crystal, which consists of a single layer of carbon atoms in a hexagonal lattice.
(see page 15) 4. When was graphene first produced?
d) 2004 Although graphene had been know of for a long time, researchers managed to obtain single graphite
layers and study them only in 2004. It was done using ordinary
Scotch tape. (see page 15)
5. What is the fundamental usefulness of the Schrödinger equation? a) It is used to
calculate the wavefunction of a system The main equation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics is known as the
Schrödinger equation. It allows us to find the wavefunction of a particle or or a system of particles in a
stationary state as well as its evolution in time. (see page 56) 6. What is
quantum tunneling?
d) Propagation of an electron in the region of a potential barrier (see page 89)
7. Spin refers to which property of an electron? a) Angular momentum Electron spin
describes the momentum of an electron due to its intrinsic mass and it rotation about its axis. (see page 169)
What does the image to the right represent? c) A carbon nanotube (image
from Wikipedia) Carbon
nanotubes are constructed from sheets of graphene rolled into hollow cylinders. (see page 267)
9. What is the basis of a "single electron" device? c) Devices based on the effect of
tunneling of a single electron (see page 285) 10. In classical physics, what
does a particle's total mechanical energy consist of? a) Kinetic energy + potential energy
The total mechanical energy of a particle is defined as the sum of its protential energy and kinetic energy (see
page 318) |