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Peregrine Semiconductor - Press Release 7-22-2008

Click to visit Peregrine SemiconductorNEWS RELEASE

Peregrine Semiconductor Ships 300 Millionth UltraCMOS™ RFIC

Global adoption of Company’s Silicon-on-Sapphire technology intensifies

San Diego, California, July 22, 2008 -- Peregrine Semiconductor Corporation, a leading supplier of high performance RF CMOS and mixed-signal communications ICs, today announced that it has shipped its 300 millionth UltraCMOS™ RFIC. The milestone was reached with an order for Peregrine’s PE42672 SP7T RF switches that are designed into RF transmit and front-end modules for cellular handsets supporting the WCDMA, HSPA, EDGE and GSM/GPRS networks, currently the fastest growing segment of the wireless market.
The HaRP™-enhanced PE42672 3G antenna switch utilized in the WCDMA design is a market-leading high-throw count RF switch that was introduced into the market in October 2005, and began shipping into major handset manufacturers throughout 2007 and 2008. The 3G mobile user demand for higher data rates is creating an unprecedented level of complexity in the RF front-end, and higher levels of integration are key to meeting customer requirements for exceptionally small form factors, cutting-edge features, and quick time-to-market. The superior linearity performance and reliability of Peregrine UltraCMOS RFICs delivered in a single-chip solution are playing a critical role in the design of industry-leading RF modules.
"We are extremely pleased to have achieved this milestone,” commented Jim Cable, Peregrine’s CEO. “It speaks to the widespread adoption of our UltraCMOS technology into very high-volume commercial RF applications. Our momentum is strong: at the close of 2005, we had shipped a cumulative 20 million units since the inception of the company. By the end of 2006, we nearly quadrupled that output and reached a cumulative 70 million units. Today, we are manufacturing almost 4 million units per week have shipped our 300 millionth unit. Our ability to earn this high-volume business in demanding, high-growth applications such as the cellular handset -- and ramp our production at such a tremendous rate -- is indicative of the disruptive capability of UltraCMOS and Peregrine’s staying power,” he added.

“We continue to hear very favorable comments about Peregrine RF switches, and are seeing them in a number of mobile phones,” commented Mark Christensen, RF Analyst for Prismark Partners (New York, NY, USA). “The high levels of integration and extremely high performance afforded by the UltraCMOS process allows for new front-end architectures that can handle the complexities of multi-band, multi-mode wireless applications. Peregrine’s success with global manufacturers in cost-sensitive markets should ultimately support the proliferation of this technology,” he added.

Historically, pin-diodes and GaAs-based devices held a dominant market position in the RF front end. However, as the demand for complex functionality in the front-end increased, designers sought a path toward integration of digital functionality. UltraCMOS technology offers the industry’s only solution for high performance RF combined with digital control, and the innovative flip-chip die for unprecedented space and cost savings.

About UltraCMOS™ Technology

UltraCMOS™ mixed-signal process technology is a patented variation of silicon-on-insulator (SOI)

technology on a sapphire substrate. This technology provides high yields, competitive costs and

delivers significant performance advantages over competing processes such as GaAs, SiGe BiCMOS

and bulk silicon CMOS in applications where RF performance, low power and high levels of

integration are paramount.

About Peregrine Semiconductor

Peregrine Semiconductor Corporation designs, manufactures, and markets high-performance

communications RF ICs for the wireless infrastructure and mobile wireless; broadband CATV/DTV;

communications infrastructure; and aerospace and avionics markets. Manufactured on the

Company’s proprietary UltraCMOS™ mixed-signal process technology, Peregrine products are

uniquely poised to meet the needs of a global RF design community in high-growth applications such

as WCDMA, EDGE and GSM digital cellular, broadband, DTV, DVR and rad-hard space and defense

programs. Peregrine, headquartered in San Diego, California, maintains global sales support

operations and a worldwide technical distribution network. Additional information is available on the

web at www.psemi.com

Forward-Looking Statements:

Certain statements contained in this press release contain forward-looking statements regarding MagnaChip

Semiconductor's operations, economic performance and financial condition. Although MagnaChip Semiconductor believes that the expectations reflected in these statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct as a result of many factors, including those described in our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007, which was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 31, 2008.


Press Contacts:

Peregrine Semiconductor Corporation
Rodd Novak, V.P., Marketing
Tel: (858) 731-9464

Cindy Trotto, Marketing Communications Manager
Tel: (602) 750-7203

The Peregrine Semiconductor name and logo are registered trademarks and UltraCMOS and HaRP are trademarks of Peregrine Semiconductor Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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