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Applied Wave Research (AWR) Press Release, 11-19-2008

 System-Level Analysis White Paper
Now Available from AWR(R)

Click to visit the Applied Wave Research websiteAWR VSS White PaperThe story: At microwave frequencies, circuits don't behave in a predictable way, so designers resort to "tweaking" circuits to obtain their ultimate performance. Although high-frequency design tools have dramatically reduced the need for tweaking, software tools for system-level analysis have taken longer to evolve. Consequently, designers typically use spreadsheets to perform this task, and they cannot account for effects that make or break a circuit once deployed in the field.

This white paper demonstrates how AWR's Visual System Simulator™ (VSS) software suite for design and optimization of communications systems offers a modern solution. It provides insight early in the design process into how a circuit, subsystem, or system will perform, when changes in component values and circuit configurations can be made easily to avoid design iterations. It can directly import existing spreadsheet data to simplify the transition and preserve a designer's efforts. The white paper is available at http://web.awrcorp.com/content/Downloads/VSS-White-Paper.pdf?from=18309613905249836.About AWR

AWR is the innovation leader in high-frequency EDA software that dramatically reduces development time and cost for products employed in wireless, high-speed wired broadband, aerospace and defense, and electro-optical applications. The company's core technology is unique among high-frequency EDA platforms in that it is inherently open and flexible. AWR continually strengthens its product portfolio with innovative new technologies that enable faster, more streamlined product development, the most recent of which are the ACE, RFA™, and AXIEM tools. The privately-held company has thousands of users, and is headquartered at 1960 East Grand Avenue, Suite 430, El Segundo, Calif. 90245. For more information about AWR and its products, please visit www.awrcorp.com(c) 2008 Applied Wave Research, Inc.  AWR, the AWR logo, and Analog Office are registered trademarks and ACE, AXIEM, EM Socket, and RFA are registered trademarks of Applied Wave Research, Inc. All others are trademarks of their respective holders.Contact:
Sherry Hess
Vice President of Marketing
(310) 726-3000
Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs
Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

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