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August 30, 2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

ACROSS 2. _______ + 25D, RF filter & components
manufacturer in Garfield, NJ 7. Form of digital encoding 13. Set of poles 14. ____ Technologies, RF
module maker in Merlin, OR 15. Filter type, abbr.
17. Type of current flow 18. Chemical symbol for terbium 20. Uppermost surface 21. Precipitates 26.
Unit of current 30. Resistor vendor in Berne, IN 31. Lowest value in a list 32. Type of data
conversion device, abbr. 33. Test equipment manufacturer, now Agilent 35. Digital encoding of the
transmission mode in the vertical sync portion of an SSTV image, abbr. 37. Feedback system used to maintain
constant level, abbr.
38. PC follower 39. Abbreviation for 26A 41. Type of logic gate 43. Ham abbreviation for transceiver
44. Automated Test Equipment, abbr. 45. Arithmetic Logic Unit, abbr. 46. Search ______; e.g., Google,
Yahoo, Bing 48. The company, now owned by Lockheed Martin, that managed the Intelsat system, located in
Germantown, MD 50. Chemical symbol for polonium 51. Test point, abbr. 53. Kilovolts, abbr. 55. Have
a chemically induced effect 56. Surface mount, abbr. 58. Positively charged ions 61. Instrument for
measuring current 64. Dilbert's female co-worker 65. Theoretical
66. Computer monitor cable type 68. Chemical symbol for thulium 71. Chemical symbol for chlorine 72.
Semiconductor device type, abbr. 73. Circular mounting hardware
74. _______ Microwave, SSPA manufacturer in Trenton, NJ |
1. _________ + 25D, I/Q & SSB mixer products vendor in Bloomington, IN 3. Chemical symbol for neptunium
4. A common battery cell size 5. Adds solder to the tip of a soldering iron 6. Chemical symbol for erbium
8. Chemical symbol for thallium 9. Antenna radiated power measurement, abbr. 10. Chemical symbol for
radon 11. Armored cable type 12. The "A" in AM 16. U.S. Spectrum allocation agency 17. Application
Specific Integrated Circuit, abbr. 19. Bit rate unit 20. Test Equipment Connection, in Lake Mary, FL,
abbr. 22. Amateur Television, abbr. 23. C# statement that ensures Dispose is called even if an exception
occurs 24. 1/6 inch printer's measure; Electromagnetic 25. 2nd part of 1D, 2A, and 74A 27.
Millimeter, abbr. 28. Quickly changing portions of waveforms 29. Radio Amateurs of Canada, abbr. 34.
Related to FM by a differential 36. Semiconductor On Insulator, abbr. 37. Atmospheres, abbr. 38.
Chemical symbol for aluminum 40. Peak Envelope Power, abbr. 42. Rádio Nacional de Angola, abbr. 44.
Online service 45. Test document for verifying proper function, abbr. 47. Cell phone manufacturer 49.
ASICs vendor in San Jose, CA 52. Last stage in a transmitter, abbr. 54. Electrical unit of potential
difference, pl. 56. The "S" in SOIC 57. Morse Code for "from" 58. Mr. Gauss' first name 59. Battery
cell chemistry type, abbr. 60. Chemical symbol for scandium 61. Analog-to-Digital, abbr.
62. ____ Electronics - RF/microwave components manufacturer in Denville, NJ 63. The "R" in BER 67.
Bandwidth, abbr. 69. Chemical symbol for einsteinium 70. Start frequency, abbr. 72. Femtohenry, abbr. |
See solution below

