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RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe

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Tennode microwave devices - RF Cafe

!!!  Run-Time Error 200 Has Been Fixed  !!!

Around 1998, I had been getting an increased number of reports that the Run Time Error 200 message continues to appear even after running the "install.bat" program. After finally locating a computer that duplicated the problem, I found a remedy. A search on the Internet turned up a patch to the CRT unit for Borland Pascal that fixes the problem.  Let's hope the GHz processors on the horizon don't create a whole new host of problems for DOS relics.

 - RF CafeIf you are having problems with Windows NT or Windows 2000, please click here for screen shots of the File Properties setup I use at work for Win2000 that is usually successful.

A number of people have contacted me regarding problems getting RF Workbench to run (not including the RTE 200 problem). To my knowledge, the problem has always been resolved by running the "install.bat" program that comes zipped up with RF Workbench. Here is a listing of the file. Subdirectories will be created by the batch file that are essential for RF Workbench to execute. If the mixer files (*.mf3) ended up in the root directory, move them to the .\mixers subdirectory.


In order to run, RF Workbench requires that the following directory structure be created:






Following is the content of the "install.bat" file:

echo off

echo .

echo .

echo *************************************************************


echo RF Workbench requires 1 MByte of hard drive space to install.


echo *************************************************************

echo .


echo .

mkdir c:\rfwb40

mkdir c:\rfwb40\data

mkdir c:\rfwb40\mixers

mkdir c:\rfwb40\plans

mkdir c:\rfwb40\systems

copy *.* c:\rfwb40

copy .\mixers\*.mf3 c:\rfwb40\mixers

echo .

echo Please refer to Readme.txt for more info on RF Workbench 4.0.

echo .


Tennode microwave devices - RF Cafe
Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe