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Informatics Resources

Department of Informatics, UC Irvine
949-824-2901 / Irvine, CA

The Department of Informatics is one of three departments in the Bren School and is internationally recognized as a unique group of faculty, visiting researchers, students and educational programs.

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

focuses on knowledge-based factory automation as a means to enhance industrial fabrication and manufacturing processes.

Indiana University School of Informatics
812-856-5754 / Bloomington, IN

The School of Informatics will be foremost in the country to graduate professionals with formal preparation in information technology with subject area expertise.

Journal of Community Informatics

604-602-0624 / Vancouver, BC Canada

Aims to bring together a global range of academics, Community Informatics practitioners and national and multi-lateral policy makers policy makers.

Ministry of Informatics
+420 221 008 111 / Czech Republic

A central government body for information and communications technologies, telecommunications and postal services. The Ministry of Informatics co-ordinates the development of e-government in the Czech Republic.

Museum Informatics Project
510-642-6533 / Berkeley, CA

A collaborative effort at the University of California, Berkeley to coordinate the application of information technology in museums and other organized, non-book collections.


School of Computing & Informatics,
Arizona State Unversity

480-965-3190 / Tempe, AZ

Will support the evolution of computing and informatics as discrete disciplines. The school will respond to needs for partnership and collaboration between computer and information sciences and a broad range of disciplinary areas at ASU.

School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
+44 131 650 2690 / Scotland, UK

The School brings together research in Computer Science, Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence and provides a fertile environment for a wide range of interdisciplinary studies.

School of Informatics, State University of NY
716-645-6481 / Buffalo, NY

Educating the next generation of information professionals, knowledge workers and communication and information researchers.

School of Informatics, University of Bradford
01274 234001 / UK

The School of Informatics has a number of areas, working across the areas of pure and applied computing, information technology, telecommunications and digital media.

University of Washington
206-616-8721 / Seattle, WA

The Informatics major provides a unique opportunity to pursue a human-centered study of information systems and technology. Informatics students explore the interaction between information, people, and technology while acquiring a range of technical skills.


Informatics definition, information, and links.

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Baluns & Transformers
Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

RF Electronics Shapes, Stencils for Office, Visio by RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs