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OK Go - "I Won't Let You Down" Video
Videos for Engineers

OK Go "I Won't Let You Down" video - RF Cafe Video  for EngineersOK Go is perhaps best known for sophisticated videos that require extremely high levels of choreography. Their I Won't Let You Down video was posted on YouTube just yesterday and it has nearly 2.5 million views a day later. Back in 2010 I posted their Mousetrap-like This Too Shall Pass video; it now has more than 45 million views.

OK Go "I Won't Let You Down" video umbrella count - RF CafeTwo major aspects of high technology are featured here: Honda's UNI-CUB β robotic unicycle and the use of a remote control octocopter drone for filming the video. Honda is not selling the UNI-CUB β yet, so the company must have been involved in the effort. The I Won't Let You Down video is featured on the Honda website. Obviously inspired by the Segway scooter, the self-stabilized, gesture-controlled unicycle's talents are aptly demonstrated by OK Go band Honda UNI-CUB robotic unicycle - RF Cafemembers. Although you never see the octocopter itself, you can easily imagine a camera suspended from the airborne platform as it flies smoothly and effortlessly at various positions and Hubsan H107D FPV X4 Mini RTF Quadcopter - RF Cafealtitudes. Personal versions for peeking in your neighbor's window* can be bought for under $200, but the type used for filming this video likely costs more than $20k not including the camera.

Artistically, training and coordinating more than 2,300 (see my counting image) Japanese schoolgirls with colored umbrellas is a monumental challenge, but it comes off extremely impressively. How many hours must have been invested in creating and producing this video that ends up running for 5 minutes and 20 seconds? (rhetorically asked, of course)

OK Go: Hungry Ghosts - RF Cafe Videos for EngineersThe song, "I Won't Let You Down," comes from OK Go's CD titled, "Hungry Ghosts."


* Legal disclaimer: RF Cafe does not recommend or condone illegal use of drones 



Here are the lyrics, in case you care. 

OK Go - I Won't Let You Down

Just another grey autumn day

You're the sunshine trying to break through

No I never imagined that my path would lead to you

A look in your eyes as they met mine

Seem to say we're the same

In so many ways

Though we're worlds apart

I will promise you

I won't let you down

No I won't let you down

There are so many reasons to keep us apart

But it won't stop me losing

My mind or my heart

What would I give

To touch your hand

Oh just feel your skin

I'd breathe you in

Could this ever be

You'll be next to me

No I won't let you down

No I won't let you down

I know myself so well

But I've never been here before

You're just out of my reach

But I will be here

Of that you can be sure

Can be sure

It's another grey autumn day

You're the sunshine trying to break through

I can only imagine that I'm walking with you

I realize if you were mine

We may fall apart

Oh you'd have my heart

There's too many things between you and me

No I won't let you down

No I won't let you down

No I won't I won't let you down

No I won't let you down

No I won't I won't let you down

No I won't I won't let you down

No I won't I won't let you down

No I won't let you down

Videos for Engineers - RF CafeThis archive links to the many video and audio files that have been featured on RF Cafe.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 |19 | 20 | 21 | 22
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |



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