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Coaxial & Twisted Pair Cable for Sale

What might be the last operational Sears department store in the world is located here in Greensboro, North Carolina. That distinction is going to end very soon - not because more are slated to open, but because it is finally closing its doors. I consider the demise of Sears, Roebuck & Co. to be a national tragedy. It is yet another of the major companies from the foundation of America's world economic and technical leadership that has either gone out of business or sold out to foreign entities.

Melanie and I visited the Sears during the final days when used fixtures, office equipment, and maintenance items were all that was left. A table of spools of various types of cable presented an opportunity to get some pretty good deals on RG-59 coax and a few kinds of twisted pair cables. I bought a few for myself, but also got many others that I figured someone else would find useful. Some reels / boxes are full or nearly full, and I guestimate at least 100 feet on others. Photos are shown below. Since I do not have the time or the will to unspool, measure the length of, and re-spool any of it, your powers of estimations will be relied upon.

Because of the weight, local pickup here in southeast Greensboro, NC, will be the best method for delivery. Selling the entire lot together is preferred. Of course I at least want to make back what I paid for it, so I'm setting the price at $250 (cash payment only). There is easily more than $1000 worth of cable here (probably more like $2000). Please contact me at kirtrfc@aol.com if you are interested.

Siamese Cable: One RG-59 coaxial + a pair of 18 AWG stranded - RF Cafe

Siamese Cable: One RG-59 coaxial + a pair of 18 AWG stranded. Original spool size is 500 feet.

Siamese Cable: One RG-59 coaxial + a pair of 18 AWG stranded - RF Cafe

Siamese Cable: One RG-59 coaxial + a pair of 18 AWG stranded. Original spool size is 500 feet.

RG-59 coaxial, 22 AWG center conductor - RF Cafe

 RG-59 coaxial, 22 AWG center conductor. Original spool size is 500 feet. 

22 AWG shielded, twisted pair, plenum rated - RF Cafe

22 AWG shielded, twisted pair, plenum rated. Original spool size is 1000 feet.

RG-59 coaxial cable, 22 AWG center conductor - RF Cafe

RG-59 coaxial cable, 22 AWG center conductor. Original spool size is probably 1000 feet (not labeled).

RG-59 coaxial, 22 AWG center conductor - RF Cafe

RG-59 coaxial, 22 AWG center conductor. Original spool size is 500 feet. 

16 AWG stranded pair - RF Cafe

16 AWG stranded pair. Original spool size is probably 1000 feet (not labeled).

4 pairs of 24 AWG solid - RF Cafe

4 pairs of 24 AWG solid. CAT5e. Original spool size is 500 feet.

Two pairs 22 AWG twisted, stranded, shielded - RF Cafe

Two pairs 22 AWG twisted, stranded, shielded. Original spool size is 1000 feet.

Two pair 24 AWG stranded - RF Cafe

Two pair 24 AWG stranded. Original spool size is 1000 feet.



Posted May 16, 2023

Temwell Filters
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