160 MHz 802.11ac MIMO
Addressing Measurement Challenges of 160 MHz 802.11ac MIMO,
by Agilent, Thursday, August 9, 1:00 PM EDT. With the latest incarnation of Wi-Fi,
or 802.11ac, designers are leveraging signal frequencies, modulation bandwidths,
spatial demultiplexing and modulation schemes to meet the throughput needs of 802.11ac.
This has posed several challenges for test equipment vendors as they try to meet
the stringent demands of 160 MHz bandwidths, MIMO streams, 256 QAM all at frequencies
of 5.8 GHz.
HMC374SC70E is a high dynamic range pHEMT MMIC LNA which delivers
1.6 dB noise figure, +34 dBm output IP3 and 14 dB small signal gain at 900 MHz.
With saturated output power up to +19 dBm and output IP3 to +36 dBm, the HMC374SC70E
is also ideal for driving the LO port of high linearity mixers and for transmitter
pre-driver applications.
Revenues Expected to Grow 8x by 2016
National NFC Service to Go Live in Singapore This Month
Explore the Upper Reaches of the Amateur Radio Spectrum
in the ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest
Apple Patent Trial: Samsung Scrutinized iPhone to Improve
Galaxy UI (will this set precedent
for teardowns & reverse engineering efforts?)
• India Can Monitor BlackBerry Without Codes
Our Edisons are Alive and Well at NIWeek 2012
Nuclear Generator Powers Curiosity Mars Mission
(no solar panels)
Discordant Bits and Single Photons Boost Quantum Power
Gov't Motors (GM) Outsources $559M Advertising Deal
(imagine Dinah Shore singing "See the UK in
your Chevrolet")
RFMD's new small profile, low-cost, drop-in
RFCR220x circulators are designed for various wireless applications.
They feature robust construction for high reliability, low insertion loss, excellent
IMD (Inter-Modulation Distortion) performance, and are magnetically shielded.
Hittite Microwave Corporation, the world class
supplier of complete MMIC based solutions for communication & military markets,
has released a new Broadband High IP3 Downconverter RFIC which operates from 700
to 3500 MHz. The
HMC1090LP3E is ideal for space constrained frequency conversion
applications in wireless infrastructure equipment such as base transceiver stations,
remote radio units, small cells and repeaters.
RFMW, Ltd. announces design and sales support
for TriQuint Semiconductor's TGA2576-FL, 30 W GaN on SiC power amplifier with
frequency coverage from 2.5 to 6 GHz. Designed for the rigors of electronic
warfare (EW) and test instrumentation, the
TGA2576-FL comes in a 11.4 x 17.3 x 3 mm flange package
with 25 mil CuW base for improved thermal management. Small signal gain is
26 dB with a power added efficiency (PAE) of >30%. The TGA2576-FL draws
1.55 A from a 30 V supply and is fully matched to 50 ohms with integrated
DC blocking caps on both I/O ports.
RF Cafe Forums visitor ljoseph posted the following
question: Suppose I have one GSM carrier with all 8 TS on and each slot has 10W
power. Because of the guard period in GSM structure, the actual power read by the
power meter will be 0.25 dB low. So in this case power meter will read 40-0.25=39.75
dBm. Now consider the case where TS0 has 10W, TS1->8W, TS2->10W, TS3->5W,
TS4->3W, Ts5->10W, TS6->8W, TS7->9W. In this case what will be the reading
of power meter?
Congressman Proposes "Cell Phone Right to Know Act" Requiring Cancer
Notice on Phones (Nov's time to clean House)
Startup Demos 60-GHz Wi-Fi
Intelsat Demos Broadband Delivery to Airborne Terminal for Comms
on the Move
Apple Account Hack Raises Concern About Cloud Storage
Short-Duration Clock Approach Thwarts RFID Attacks
• Rising
Usage in Consumer Electronics Drives 22% Growth for Magnetic Sensor Market
• Is FM Chip Gaining Support in Congress?
Pasternack Expands Line of
Low PIM Adapters. The new low passive intermodulation (PIM) adapters from Pasternack
are perfect for applications requiring high performance at ultra low VSWR. Pasternack's
new line of precision low PIM adapters is ideal for portable PIM testing and portable
sweep testing. Other low PIM adapter applications include installations in cellular/PCS,
RF wireless.
PMI (Planar Monolithics) Intros Model
PS-90-2040-SY Miniature 0-180° Bi-Phase Modulator / Phase Shifter
with TTL Control Logic for 2,856 ±15 MHz. This model provides low loss of 1.0 dB
maximum and offers a fast switching time of 50 nsec maximum. This model is
designed to handle an input power level of 1 watt.
"Humans have effectively created continent-size antennae - all exquisitely tuned
to soak up currents caused by space weather" - John Kappenman of Storm Analysis
Consultants, re the vulnerability of our massively networked electrical supply grids.
He was quoted in the July 2012 edition of Popular Mechanics in an article titled
Welcome to the Next Solar Maximum. Activities on our sun can effect profound
consequences here on Earth, both in the form of communications disruptions and in
the form of electrical supply grid disruptions. Both can be dire with the potential
of crippling worldwide commerce. News agencies often to refer to the violent spewing
of copious quantities of high-speed electrons, protons, and neutrons as sunspot
activity, but in fact, the phenomenon is termed coronal mass ejection (CME). Billion-ton
belches of sun guts can be sent hurling earthward. Fortunately for us, not all CMEs
are directed toward...
Seeing Through Walls: Laser System Reconstructs Objects
Hidden from Sight
AT&T Continues to Hammer Away at PCAST's Shared
Spectrum Vision
In the Olympics of Software Algorithms, a Russian Keeps
Winning Gold
Organic Electronics Ready for Boom Years
'Scrapyard Challenge' to Make Nuclear Fusion More
• Radio Still #1 Reason Consumers Purchase New Music
• Wireless
LAN Market to Expand by More Than 50% in 2016
Forum Responds to Black Hat Presentation on NFC
Delay in Plans for a $1B Science Ghost Town
(I wrote about it)
• Wikipedia
Goes Down Due to Cut Cables
Amateur Radio Quiz:
The Ins-and-Outs of the Bits-and-Pieces "Once the homebuilding
bug bites, you'll be using a whole new set of jargon: acronyms, color codes, numbering
conventions, parameters, measurements and more. Here are some questions about the
many interesting methods - and short-cuts - we use to describe our electronic components..."
Arrives 1:31 am EST
Curiosity Has Landed!!! The Curiosity
rover is set to alight on Mars at 1:31 am EST on Monday. This will be by far the
coolest descent ever attempted. A mother ship will hover above the surface to lower
the rover via cable, then dispose of itself. This method eliminates the need to
harden the rover for a hard landing. Mars is currently 154 million miles from Earth
(14 minutes for communications,
calculator), so everything is totally automated. The Mars Odyssey
orbiter will relay messages to/from Curiosity. NASA has an amazing
interactive simulator that displays solar system spacecraft,
planets, etc., in 3D. The collective accomplishments most of mankind boggles the
mind (excluding the same old groups who elect rather to destroy).
Expert consulting experience in medium volume production where "design for manufacturing",
"design for test" and overall solution cost have been very important. All phases
of project execution...
for 8/5/2012
For the sake of avid cruciverbalists, each week I create a new crossword puzzle
that has a theme related to engineering, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other
technical words. You will never be asked the name of a movie star unless he/she
was involved in a technical endeavor (e.g., Lamar)
• India Approves Starting Price for Spectrum Auction
Boosting Transparent Conduction in Graphene with Gold
Hopes Dim for Sharp Amid Japan's TV Industry Sunset
Best Science Photos of the Week
Model TA1007
wideband GaAs amplifier module is ideal for CW or pulsed applications. It is very
linear, and highly efficient. Due to several state-of-the-art circuits, this
unit is highly immune from damage due to any out of spec DC voltage conditions that
may be applied. It rugged construction guarantees fault-free operation in the most
RF/EMI PCB-level shielding. Basic shielding cans for permanent installation single-cavity
shield sets. Cover can be removed and re-installed on multi-cavity shield sets....
Pozar's new edition of Microwave Engineering
includes more material on active circuits, noise, nonlinear effects, and wireless
systems. New and updated material on
wireless communications systems,
including link budget, link margin, digital modulation methods, and bit error rates...
"The radio craze... will die out in time" - Thomas
Alva Edison
• UK
Tech Start-up Scene Boosted by New Investments
• China
Takes 27% of Global Smartphone Shipments
• Electron-Electron Interactions in Graphene
Component Prices Plunging on Economic Uncertainty
Can You Get a Patent on Being a Patent Troll?
Wi-Fi Traffic Wardens Police Comms at Olympics
• Telecom Italia Starts to Stem Decline in Italy
• SK Telecom
Profits Off by 3/4 on LTE Start-up Costs
June Global Chip Sales Stay Soft on U.S. Weakness
Chinese Buying U.S. Business at Record Pace
As you might imagine, the staff at the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has seen some real doozies over the year in
the form of applications. An RF Cafe visitor who is a registered patent agent sent
a note about his office's reaction of hilarity to United States Patent Application
# 20040161257 . The link goes directly to the official document on file with the
USPTO, so it is real. Look at number nine in the opening "Claims" section: 9. The
method of providing user interface displays in an image forming apparatus which
is really a bogus claim included amongst real...
How to Measure High-Frequency Signals Over Multiple Channels, Yves M. and Jean
Manuel D.
Smokin' CFL, by Martin Rowe
Testing Radar and EW Systems for the Real-World
• Thanks to everything RF for Ongoing Support
Sherlock Ohms: Inaccurate Measurements Skew Data
How a Cellphone's Case Can Imitate Its Maker
Pulling a Wireless Signal Out of Thin Air
Oversampling Reduces Quantization Errors - Jon Titus
• Many Thanks to Skyworks Solutions for Longtime Support!
Power Line Communication – Design archive
U.S. defense contractor Northrop Grumman
Corp has demonstrated an 850 GHz integrated receiver that brings the firm much
closer to being first to reach a DoD goal for developing
transistor-based electronics
that can operate at center frequencies beyond 1 terahertz (THz)...
Is Balance of Power Shifting in Mobile Patent Disputes?
Navy Asks Industry for Rugged, High-G Electronics and Guidance for
Hyper Velocity Projectile Program
• Mobile
Communication is Breaking Down the Barriers • Between Work and Leisure
Extraordinarily Strong Negative Refractive Index Obtained
Direct Imaging Confirms the Importance of Electron-Electron Interactions
in Graphene
• $20K Fine for Failing to Properly Light Antenna
Electromagnetic 'Swamps' Don't Always Bog Electrons Down
Sharp to Slash 5,000 Jobs
Research in Motion Announces a 4G LTE Blackberry Playbook
NOAA Hi-Def Radar Gives You the Straight Scoop
AT&T to Acquire NextWave -and Its WCS Spectrum - for $650M
R Grammar Gaffes Ruining the Language? Maybe Not
A new member of the RF Cafe Antenna Forum, who is a student, has a question for
the experts regarding signal power and conservation of energy.
welcome Paul Fowler as the newest former radar technician to contact me with his
service info. Paul began his 20+ year career in the 1950s, working on the
MPN-1! Read his
extensive list of assignments...
IC, Laminate, Package Multi-Technology PA
Module Design Methodology, by Agilent Technologies, Thursday, August 2, 1:00 pm
"The International Geophysical Year (IGY)
was an international scientific project that lasted from July 1, 1957, to December
31, 1958. It marked the end, after Joseph Stalin's death, of a long period during
the Cold War when scientific interchange between East and West was seriously interrupted.
As many as 67 countries participated among which were all major ones with the exception
of mainland China. The IGY encompassed eleven Earth sciences: aurora and airglow,
cosmic rays, geomagnetism, gravity, ionospheric physics, longitude and latitude
determinations (precision mapping), meteorology, solar activity (communications)...
Tom Ruen released this animation of the moon showing its monthly phase progression.
We have all witnessed the phases of the moon, but have you noticed that its apparent
size varies due to its elliptical orbit (0.0549 eccentricity)
around the earth? What the animation really emphasizes is something you may have
never noticed - a libration motion, also due to the elliptical orbit and the moon's
6.7° axial tilt wrt its orbital plane. Libration causes the pronounced rocking motion.
If you viewed the planets from the sun, they would all display the same combination
of motions because all have eccentric (elliptical) orbits...
I designed these
4-level wooden bleachers for use at my daughter's
Equine Kingdom Riding Academy
in North Carolina. They are very sturdy and are built to last forever. Pressure
treated lumber, galvanized hardware, and deck screws are used throughout. Closely
spaced safety rails help prevent small kids from crawling through. The 10-foot length
in a modular format lets you bolt them together for any length you need. A high
resolution PDF version of the bleacher plans is downloadable...
Bittele Electronics is a Turn-Key PCB assembly services provider for prototype
and low volume electronic contract manufacturing. Headquartered in Canada, they
offer low cost 1-Stop
PCB Assembly Services including
PCB fabrication,
parts procurement
and final circuit board assembly. Circuit board assembly services make use of their
own PCB manufacturing facility, electronic components procurement team and PCB assembly
house. This is an ideal service for PCB prototyping and low volume production runs...
It hasn't been just Miss America contestants
that have wished for world peace over the years. In April 1967, this article titled
"World Peace and Amateur Radio" was published extolling the efforts of Ham radio
operators in attempting to break through communications barriers erected by governments.
Amateur signals could reach into the USSR, Cuba, China, North Korea, and all the
other hopelessly oppressed regions of the world to let people know that there is
hope beyond the Iron...
For the sake of avid cruciverbalists, each week I create a new crossword puzzle
that has a theme related to engineering, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other
technical words. You will never be asked the name of a movie star unless he/she
was involved in a technical endeavor (e.g., Lamar)...
John Santillo: Highly experienced in the
development of electronic systems that result in marketable products for military
and private applications. Expertise in digital, RF and Microwave testing and the
use of laboratory test equipment...
RF Cafe visitor Bob Stewart has generously
made this fine handheld digital multimeter (DMM) Visio model available at no charge.
Click on the image to download it. Both a grouped Visio format and a metafile format
are included...
Reliance Engineering is a specialized custom molder of Thermoplastics and Thermoset
Plastic materials with a focus on demanding applications requiring high temperature
materials and very close tolerance molding. Many of these same applications require
Insert Molding which is one of our core disciplines. Strong background in material
selection and part design for moldability...
"A transistorized i.f. stage for a TV set
can be built today to fit into a match box. But molecular electronics has made possible
the production of a device that contains two such stages and is only a fraction
of the size of a single transistor!" Nobody talks of molecular electronics today,
but that really is an accurate term for what we have when compound semiconductors
like GaAs, GaN, or any of the many-atomed exotic photovoltaic substrates are being
discussed. When referring to pure elements like silicon that are being doped with
impurities, I'm not sure those structures are considered molecules...
Here is a quick test of your graph reading
skills. It appeared in the April 1967 edition of Popular Electronics. I missed #6
- a temporary (hopefully) case of cranial rectumitis on my part. Maybe you will
do better...
"I do remember being very good at diagramming
sentences. Diagramming sentences must have been a precursor to a career drawing
state diagrams and schematics." - Bob Davis, RF Cafe contributor.
Knowing that I at least attempt to achieve proper grammar in my writings, Bob
sent me a link to an online test of writing
style. Plugging in a few instances from past
Kirt's Cogitations articles
produced mixed results, with nothing exceptionally good or bad. I'm just average.
Wideband Digital Pre-Distortion Modeling
for LTE-Advanced, by Agilent Technologies, Thursday, July 26, 2:00 pm EDT...
RF Cafe visitor Paul M., wrote asking where
I got the data for my plot of
atmospheric attenuation
because he could not locate a table of data online. I told him it was generated
by entering frequency / attenuation pairs from published charts into Excel and then
plotting them. It was done that way to avoid a possible copyright violation. A month
or so later, Paul wrote back providing a link to the
International Telecommunications Union's
(ITU) official document he finally found that provides this and lots of other
data and charts. Thanks, Paul.
Cobham is seeking a Senior
Field Sales Account Manager to join the team in Exeter, NH to be responsible for
the sale of all Microwave Components product lines to military, defense and commercial
avionics customers. See Employment Forum.
Cobham is seeking an
Account Manager for Passive RF products to join the team in Exeter, NH to be responsible
for overseeing all activities associated with technical government program(s). See
Employment Forum.
Marvelous Microwave is a manufacturer of microwave/RF components, for WiFi, cellular,
Bluetooth, GPS, DVB-T/S/C, and SatComm. Attenuators, adapters, amplifiers, circulators &
isolators, DC blocks & bias Tees, directional couplers, filters & duplexers,
power dividers, switches, transformers. They are now helping to support RF Cafe
through advertising...
Early masers (microwave
amplification by simulated emission of radiation), like the lasers
(light amplification...), began life with the
requirement of a rare earth-based mineral at its core - in this case a ruby. Early
applications of the maser, as reported in this 1960 Popular Electronics article,
were centered on radars. High amplification and high power was beyond the capability
of common semiconductors like Si, GaAs, or GaN. Required substrate impurities, gate
widths, and thermal control was well beyond the state of the art of the day. As
always, the early pioneers like Dr. Charles H. Townes, inventor of the maser, accomplished
incredible feats with rudimentary tools, including the venerable slide rule...
Chances are anyone reading this is a hard
worker or, through no fault of his/her own, would like to be so once again.
Government regulation and political ineptitude
has driven our economy into the crapper with no relief in sight. Lavish Welfare
"entitlements" and paying people 99 weeks not to work exacerbate the situation.
Politicians love dependent voters. Those of us pulling the metaphorical wagon, a
shrinking portion of the populace, are fed up. This song came on the radio this
morning (needless to say not NPR). It perfectly
sums up the situation...
Dr. Sally K. Ride died of
pancreatic cancer at age 61. She became America's first female astronaut with her
flight on Space Shuttle Challenger that began on June 18, 1983. She flew again in
1984. Sally left NASA in 1987, then in 1989 she became a professor of physics at
U of C San Diego, and was director of the University of California's California
Space Institute. Can you believe it's been 30 years???
Through July 31, the IEEE is making an e-book
titled, "Personal Positioning for Engineers," by Paul J. Kostek available at no
charge to members. I was able to download it without signing in, so maybe it's available
to everyone - at least until they figure out it is not locked. "In this e-book,
we'll look at several different employment and career options for engineers to help
you determine which ones will work for you. Not all of the options will work for
each person, and the key to succeeding is to understand yourself, how you respond
to change, and what level of risk you can deal with..."
Advanced Test Equipment
has an immediate opening in the San Diego area for an experienced RF Electronic
Calibration Technician to work in our Lab. This role is responsible to successfully
troubleshoot, repair and calibrate a wide variety of test & measurement equipment
in a fast paced environment. See Employment Forum.
While torturing myself on the elliptical
exercise machine in my basement, I often do mental exercises to help pass time during
the utterly boring, albeit beneficial, endeavor. Often the routine is no more complicated
than dividing elapsed calories by time to get a burn rate, then figuring how much
longer it will take until my goal is reached, all without the benefit of paper,
pencil, or calculator. Of course by the time I finally come up with a number, I'm
way past the point where the calculations began, so I start over. That reminds me
of the old episode of Beverly Hillbillies where Jethro is showing off his new watch
to Uncle Jed. Jed asks what time it is, and Jethro says, "Well, the big hand is
on the 2 and little hand is on the 12 and the second hand is on the 10, so that
makes it...
to Make $$$ ?
"Government research created the Internet so that
all the companies could make money off the
Internet." - POTUS. Most
people reading this are aware that what we now refer to as the Internet began its
life as ARPANet in October of 1969. Dig this excerpt from the early ARPANet handbook
in the Rules and Etiquette section: "It is considered illegal to use
the ARPANet for anything which is not in direct support of Government business...
Sending electronic mail over the ARPANet for commercial profit or political purposes
is both anti-social and illegal." So much for the veracity of the claim.
Symmetricom, a manufacturer
of precise time and frequency products for communication, computation, transportation,
space and electronic systems, is seeking an Embedded Software (Firmware) Engineer
with commercial product experience developing for low-power microprocessors used
in integrated control environments, using TI MSP430, or similar microcontrollers.
See Employment Forum.
RF Cafe visitor Bob B. read a story I linked
to (Why Bad Jobs - or No Jobs - Happen to Good Workers) and
suggested it be featured more prominently. It has to do with the supposed difficulty
employers are having finding qualified employees. IEEE's Steven Cherry talked to
Peter Cappelli, author of
Why Good People Can't Get Jobs: The Skills Gap and What Companies
Can Do About It for some insight. Cappelli's opinion is that employers
have created the myth based on unreasonable expectations. They tend to only want
workers who have already done the exact job, not ones who are capable of doing the
job. Internships, mentoring, and
in-house training are deemed too expensive because of high employee turnover. Cappelli
takes apart the argument of inadequacy of schools (vo-tech, college) and wage expectations.
"Diamonds are very expensive. They cost a lot, but you can buy all the diamonds
you want as long as you're willing to pay." - Peter Cappelli is a professor of management
at Wharton.
Here are a few comical, uh, comics from the
April 1967 edition of Popular Electronics depicting the perception of techies during
the era. Things really haven't changed much. Popular Electronics went out of print
in 1985 after a 31 year run...
Phase Noise Measurement Methods and Techniques,
by Agilent Technologies, Thursday, July 19, 1:00 pm ET
59-year-old Val Patterson, who died of cancer,
said his life motto was "Anything for a laugh." In his auto-obituary he wrote ,
"Now that I have gone to my reward, I have confessions and things I should now say."
His biggest secret: "What happened was that the day I went to pay off my
college student loan at the
U of U, the girl working there put my receipt into the wrong stack, and two weeks
later, a PhD diploma came in the mail. I didn't even graduate, I only had about
3 years of college credit."
"...an awful spectacle, far worse than hanging."
You will find that quote used many places in reference to the well-known battle
between Thomas Edison with his DC power distribution system and Nikola Tesla with
his AC power distribution system (aka the "War of Currents"). It derives from a
headline in the August 7, 1890 edition of the New York Times that read thus: "Far
Worse Than Hanging." Edison and his attack dogs did constantly and mercilessly haunt
Tesla and his underwriter, corporate magnate George Westinghouse, with a lot of
vicious quotes and actions. Most nastiness attributed to Edison is factual. As normally
misrepresented, the article is an attack directed specifically against the horror
of Tesla's AC current being used in an execution by electrocution as opposed to
the - to be inferred by the reader - more humane form of execution by Edison's DC
current. However, after scanning...
"So if I can work out a really efficient way
of changing part of this wasted noise into electrical energy, it can be charging
batteries and taking some of the load off the plane's generating plant." That passage,
from the April 1960 Carl and Jerry adventure story, reads like a modern
day energy harvesting project. Each month Popular Electronics included an electronics
saga that normally included some high tech sleuthing by the teenagers a la the Hardy
Boys. This is a particular favorite of mine because it involves a radio controlled
airplane model...
For the sake of avid cruciverbalists, each week I create a new crossword puzzle
that has a theme related to engineering, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other
technical words. You will never be asked the name of a movie star unless he/she
was involved in a technical endeavor (e.g., Lamar)...
 Most of the "important" technical magazines
offer you a free subscriptions if you are qualified - often that means you still
have a pulse. Their advertisers pay according to circulation, so higher subscription
numbers mean higher sales prices for them. A few of the most useful for us are
MicroWaves &
Broadcast Engineering,
Mission Critical
Communications, and
Design &
Development. There are a couple hundred
magazines and white papers
to choose from (I make about $1 on each one you subscribe
Company News
RFMW Introduces 2W Highly Linear Amplifier from TriQuint Semiconductors
Q-Par Develops Novel High Power, 180° Power Divider
Empower's “Compare for Yourself” Campaign
AWR Exhibits Within the RF and Wireless Pavilion During NIWeek 2012
M/A-COM Technology Solutions Introduces New Push Pull CATV Amplifier
MILMEGA is Pleased to Announce the Release of the New AS0728 Product Range
Richardson RFPD Introduces Three New Low Noise Amplifiers Available from Stock for
Prototype or High-Volume Production from Skyworks
Skyworks Intros Two New, Enhancement Mode, Low Noise Amplifiers
Analog Devices Expands Its Industry Leading D/A Converter Portfolio
Richardson RFPD Introduces 1/2-Watt RF Driver Amplifier from ADI
Radiometrix Intros Fast-Switching, Long Range, Wireless Link for Industrial &
Commercial Applications
Highland Technology Announces the T240 Single-Channel Externally-Triggered Complementary-Output
Pulse Generator
Hittite Expands Clocks & Timing Product Line
Reliance Engineering Completes Purchases of Automated Vision Inspection System
Hittite's 2 Watt Power Amplifiers with On Chip Power Detectors Cover 9-14 GHz
The fundamentals of crystals has not changed
since this article appeared in a 1960 edition of Popular Electronics. The way they
are grown, cut, and packaged has changed fairly significantly, however. An understanding
of how they work at the atomic level has advanced significantly. The number of devices
in which they are contained has increased significantly. However, except for the
vacuum tubes in these oscillator circuits being replaced by transistors, nothing
much has changed...
RF-Fronted Design
RF-Frontend Design for Process-Variation-Tolerant
Receivers, Pooyan Sakian, Reza
Mahmoudi, Arthur van Roermund 7/13/2012
If your company has opportunities available for
engineers, technicians, managers, sales, etc., in the tech arena, you are welcome
to post at no charge on the RF Cafe Employment Forum. If you do, please send me
an e-mail and I'll be glad to also add it to the list on the RF Cafe homepage and
on the separate Jobs page.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur
C. Clarke,
Profiles of the Future, 1961. This is also referred to
as Clarke's 3d Law. Flashback:
The Wireless World magazine articles by Mr. Clarke:
Extra-Terrestrial Relays, and
Peacetime Uses for V2
Did you wish when you were a kid that you
could get paid for building stuff out of LEGO blocks? It probably never occurred
to me at the time (not much did), but obviously it occurred to the people at Bright
Bricks. While a lot of artists create their LEGO sculptures out of a sense of artisty[sic]
je ne sais quoi, for these folks it's serious business. Bright Bricks has paying
customers who use the talent of the team to design and build promotional
props. In this case, Rolls-Royce contracted
with them to prepare a half-size scale modela href="../cool-pics/lego-rolls-royce-trent-1000.htm">...
I also added a few new LEGO models of electronics gear like a mobile radar van
and the Motorola "Brick" phone...
Remember seeing something on the RF Cafe homepage but it's gone now? No problem,
everything is listed on the archive pages.
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