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High Exposure Advertising Plan Now Includes a 728x90-px Banner

High Exposure Sponsorship Opportunities - RF CafeIn an ongoing effort to provide the best return on investment to RF Cafe website sponsors (aka advertisers), I have decided to allocate the 728x90-pixel banner ad slot at the bottom of all web pages to companies who participate in the High Exposure plan. That is in addition to the other features that have always been included. The cost is still only $150 per month; i.e., no price increase.

A full list of advertising options is available on the Sponsorship Rates page, but just the features which are part of the High Exposure plan are highlighted in the screen capture to the left. A 330x400-pixel Highlighted Ad is included that can be placed on up to five (5) of the categorized Vendor Pages (RF Filters page shown to the left). Also, a 78x26-pixel company logo is in a permanently displaying spot in the upper left or right page border. Now, a 728x90-pixel banner graphic goes in the slot at the bottom of all pages. A hyperlink back to your website is placed on all three images.

Unlike the regular Banner Advertising sponsorship plans where each banner slot is shared by only three (3) companies, all participants in the High Exposure plan share that bottom 728x90-pixel slot. A random number generator decides which banner is displayed each time a page is loaded or reloaded, so on average everyone's banner is displayed an equal number of times.

I have considered converting all of the banner slots and advertising plans to one common plan where every company has an equal probability of appearing in any one of the banner slots. The price would need to increase to around $200 to $225 per month, but that represents a decrease for all current advertisers. Doing so greatly increases the opportunity to have your banner seen regardless of where a reader happens to be on the page. The 78x26-pixel company logos at the very tops of the left and right borders would be able to be removed, which pulls the banners closer to the tops of the pages (it would also make page load times shorter).

Please contact me if you are interested in trying the new and improved High Exposure plan. You provide the 728x90-px Banner and Highlighted Ad graphics according to the specifications listed here.



Posted March 19, 2018

PCB Directory (Manufacturers)
Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe

Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)