Map of Where Silicon Valley Gets Its Workforce

Map of Where Silicon Valley Gets Its Workforce (Bloomberg Buinessweek) - RF CafeFor the first time, according to Bloomberg Businessweek's demographic data assimilated from 2008 to 2012, Asian Americans became the majority tech workforce constituents in California's Silicon Valley: 50.1% vs. 40.7% for Whites. The map to the left (click it for full-size version) shows where The Valley's immigrant (foreign and domestic) workforce comes from. Circle size indicates the relative number of people and distance from the center indicates how far they have traveled to get there. The standout circle represents immigrants from Mexico, which is interesting since this map purportedly reports on "Tech Immigrants: A Map of Silicon Valley's Imported Talent." I could be wrong, but I seriously doubt that all - or even the majority - of those workers write software or design circuits. My guess is that just as 'green industry workers*' include the people who maintain the lawns and collect trash in wind energy and electric car companies' offices are counted along with those who actually design and build the products, the "Tech Immigrants" data included in the map is similar. Ditto for Texas and Arizona. According to the map, 1/3 of startups during the 2008-2012 timespan were founded by Indian Americans. In 2011, 64% of The Valley's foreign born immigrants had at least a Bachelor's degree - compared with only 26% for U.S. born. Again, I find the Mexico statistic suspect since those folks are foreign-born. Last year saw the largest net inbound migration of tech workers to Silicon Valley (13,766) in a decade. Silicon Valley has been much criticized lately for their supposedly inequitable workforce (too many White males) makeup, so this result should make a lot of people happy.


*  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has a formal definition of a 'green job." Many reports have shown that broad interpretation

    is tolerated to allow inclusion of just about any job that is in any manner affiliated with workers who actually produce

    goods or services that an honest interpretation would allow. It pumps up the numbers that politicians can cite when

    pontificating about their efforts.





Posted  June 11, 2014