Career Advice Roundup for September 4, 2014

Engineering Career and Job Hunting Advice for September 4, 2014 (mazeo image) - RF CafeIt seems like there have been a lot of layoff news stories lately, but maybe it's just the status quo because media outlets don't have anything better to report at the moment. Any time there is a corporate merger, you know it will include a reduction in force (RIF) affecting unlucky employees in both organizations in order to eliminate duplication of duties. Pat Hindle over at Microwave Journal recently wrote a piece called "RF Merger Mania" discussing the flurry of such activity this year. Spawned most likely by the very recent announcement of Murata and Peregrine, he also mentions RFMD marrying TriQuint, Cobham conjoining with Aeroflex, and ADI wedding Hittite - all large, well-known, established concerns. If you have found yourself suddenly amongst the frantically-looking-for-a-new-job crowd, or suspect that you might soon be part of the fray, then hopefully some of these collections of career management articles that I post every couple weeks will help. Happy hunting.

Here is a list of current engineering jobs listed on RF Cafe.

Here are the complete job resource lists for 2018, 2019.



Posted September 9, 2014