Tales From the Cube: Rush Project Troubleshooting Comes Down to the Wire

Tales from the Cube: Rush-Project Troubleshooting Comes Down to the Wire - RF CafeThis episode, titled Rush-Project Troubleshooting Comes Down to the Wire, is included here not necessarily because the technical aspect of the story is exceptional, but because of the prank described in it. Wire-wrap board woes are all-too familiar to those of us who lived through them for prototyping in the 1970s and 1980s (before surface mount obsoleted DIPs). I personally built more than a hundred over the years. If you like waxing nostalgic over the era, read it anyway, but mainly read to learn a great gag to perpetrate upon a fellow engineer or technician. I rate it on par with rigging a length of Tyvek tubing stealthily into a chassis and having a cigarette smoker blow smoke through it from afar while someone is working on the circuit. Ah, those were the good old days!

Tales from the Cube: Rush-Project Troubleshooting Comes Down to the Wire - RF Cafe

Posted  March 2013