Tales from the Cube: Disappearing Data

Tales from the Cube: Disappearing Data - RF CafeThere don't seem to be many electronic products these days without some form of software in them (EEPROMs, ASICs, μProcessors, FPGAs, etc.); indeed, many electrical engineers also wear a software engineer's hat. Two consultants that advertise on RF Cafe, Lance Lascari (RF Dude) and Joe Cahak (Sunshine Design) come to mind, along with many others known during my career. I've even done a bit of software and FPGA programming myself. This installment of EDN's "Tales from the Cube" series titled "Disappearing Data," involves an engineer who needed to live in both worlds in order to solve his problem with a meter designed by someone long gone from the company. Mihaela Costin applied a bit of ingenuity to make the best of a bad situation. The moral of his story is to always make sure employees, consultants or otherwise, leave sufficient information about their designs and thought processes to allow someone else to pick up on the effort long after they're gone - a small price to pay in extra hours compared to what it costs to do it later.

Tales from the Cube: Disappearing Data - RF Cafe

Posted  August 27, 2013