Nobel Prize "Medal Migrations"

Medal Migrations, Nobel Prize Recipient Home Country Shifts - RF CafeAccording to a survey done by Scientific American (July 2012), there has been a majority shift of Nobel Prize awards from European recipients to American recipients. The author cleverly titles the article "Medal Migrations" (metal migration - get it?). This would make me proud as an American except that I know the selection process has been greatly politicized*. The graphic also includes trends in awards according to gender and age (average age increasing significantly, youngest is 25 years old, oldest is 103!). The institution with the most affiliated members is Harvard with 27.

* To wit, B.H. Obama received the Peace Prize for having done absolutely nothing (boasts of personally-selected drone "kill lists"), and A.A. Gore received the Peace Prize for work on climate change (he said the earth's internal temperature is "several million degrees"). Truly deserving contenders, maybe from the U.S. and maybe not, have been denied due recognition for their lives' works because of political agendas. It's kind of like Libya being elected as head the the U.N. Human Rights Commission. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

Posted June 28, 2012