Patents c2003
Kirt's Cogitations™ #100

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Patents c2003

According to a 2003 MIT study of the number of U.S. patents awarded per 1 million people for countries of the world, the U.S.A. comes in at first place. Nearly half of patents are awarded to foreign companies. Finland, home of Nokia, Flextronics and ABB, takes second place. Number 3 is the U.K., 4th is Japan, then Germany, Singapore, Sweden, Denmark and then Switzerland. France comes in at #10. Canada rates 12th, Israel is 14th, and S. Korea is 20th. China currently sits at #40, but is moving up quickly. Russia rates #43, and Mexico sits at #51.  The study also indicates country status in terms of population proportion of engineers & scientists, innovation policy, number and size of technology hotspots, GDP per capita, business competitiveness, etc.  North Korea, Iran and Saudi Arabia, do not even rate - go figure.